A “Must” for Auld Golfers to study, learn, and use as the means of scoring in an AGS Match Event

Playing the ‘Odd”

When the first player of a match tees up to hit a shot there must first be made, a consideration as to the status of the match. On the tee, the players are LIKE in score as neither player has hit.

In a modern match, we play the hole as normal, counting our score along the way, compare to each other and award the hole to the lower score. A tie is a push.

When Reckoning the score with Auld Golf methods, the first player to hit is considered to have hit “the ODD”, that is to say that he has hit one more than his opponent.

This is the first component to learning to score the Auld Match. It is best and easiest to think in terms of likeness or how many more/less shots am I as I stand?

It is common practice to converse and update the status as the hole is played. The only importance is relevancy, not score.

Playing the ‘Like’

When Reckoning the score with Auld Golf methods, the opposing player now tees off and is playing “The LIKE”, as he is hitting the shot that now makes him equal in status with the first player.

This is the second component to learning to score the Auld Match. It is best and easiest to think in terms of likeness or how many more/less shots am I as I stand?

It is common practice to converse and update the status as the hole is played. The only importance is relevancy, not score.

Playing ‘Two More’

It happens to be that sometimes you might have to hit a second time in a row as you have found yourself to be furthest away (as is always relevent in match play).

You may have to hit again!

Each time you hit the ball, you are adding to the number of strokes above ‘being like’ your opponent. First you hit “The ODD”, now you are hitting “Two More” (with your second shot in a row).

It’s possible that you’ve had bad luck and now must hit

another shot - “Three More”, etc...

It is certainly important to converse and update the status as the hole is played. The only importance is relevancy, not score.

Playing ‘One off Two’

Your opponent has just run off a couple of shots getting out of trouble and it is your turn to hit as now you are ‘away’.

The two of you have been tracking the status (either in your heads or maybe with a verbal confirmation).

So it’s your turn to hit and you are playing “One OFF Two”, since your hit will reduce the relevency of shots between you and your opponent. You are still one shot better, so now the question is “who is away”? If it is you then you are now playing “The LIKE” (which will make you equal or just like your opponent).

If it is your opponent, then he is adding back to his deficit so he would be playing “Two More” again.

Putting ‘The Like’

In the end you can only hope that as you walk upon the green that you may lay favorably in the reckoning.

Your opponent had hit on the green in “Two More” so your “One OFF Two” approach leaves you in “The ODD” favor and you are Putting “The LIKE” for the possible win, as he will have to putt again and even if he made it he would be in “The Odd” reckoning.

If you’ve made the putt you are “One UP” in the match and on to the next hole...but if not, it is your opponent’s chance as he is Putting “The LIKE” now himself! If he holes out it’s on to the next hole “All Square”.

I for one have not counted strokes nor do I need to write down any scores, for all that matters is the status of the match between two Auld Golfers...

Playing the Like - Pamphlet print it out, organize the pages, fold, cut to size, and staple center together.