Societies & Groups

There are a few large societies that act as the basis for guiding the world’s modern hickory golf… and many independent groups have formed to drive the regional play and social interaction of the players interested in hickory golf.

Hickory golf derived primarily from the interest of golf collectors. It is not unexpected that as a rule these groups endorse play with authentic antique hickory golf clubs.

There is also the Society of Hickory Golfers based in the USA that has developed into a group that wanted to grow the membership of hickory golfers and to set guidelines and event standards. Out of this group has come the endorsement of modern manufactured hickory golf clubs to broaden the choices and enable players to begin more easily and rapidly. There are many hickory golfers playing these clubs or using mixed sets of modern and antique clubs to enjoy the game. There are also many international hickory golf events that have accepted the SoHG rules and equipment guidelines for play.

The SoHG has an extensive website that lists most of the societies and groups from the USA and Internationally. For a feel and to understand how far reaching the hickory golf world is you can see this list at: